Saturday, June 14, 2008

What is it with women and poker?

Many people especially men get amazed with me when they found out that I play poker. I mean what is it with women and poker? I know that it is hot but I just kind of get annoyed when men get a little bit sexist when it comes to the game of poker. Women have the right to play poker as men do. So no need to get amazed. It does not mean that since poker is dominated by men, poker is already a men’s game. poker is neither a men’s game nor a women’s game. It should be a game for everyone; well, except of course for the young.

Men are having a hard time whenever a female beat them. Just because we are female do not mean that we are weak. In fact, if anything, we are smarter and wiser because you fall victim to our charm. Serves you right because you are always underestimating us. I remember playing poker last night with a couple of friends and some people I barely know. Most of them are guys, and only two of us are girls. Guess what happened? In the end, only that girl and I were left battling. Who won? Of course I won. I always win. Just so you know. Laugh out loud! It really amazes me when guys easily think that you are so into them. Just look at them flirtingly, show some skin, and they will get easily distracted.

Actually, if you ask me, since men keep on attacking the weakness of our gender, the real weak gender is men. Because men, cannot simply function properly without a woman behind them. Whether you like it or not, we control you. We are your inspiration, and you cannot get the pleasure you get every night without us. Us women, on the other hand, can function without men. We can live without sex, and we can certainly build our own house with your help. We are in the modern age now you know. Machines can easily replace men if they think they are so strong that women will always need them.

I know I sound mean. For your information, your gender is the mean one. Women will not act this way if you had not been underestimating us for how many centuries already. Just because you are physically stronger , does not mean that you are the leader, the president, the history, or the God. It does not work that way. Actually, there should not be any gender issue if only you treat us an equal. As something that compliments your very existence. Which is I think is the truth.

I never said that my gender is the supreme gender. I believe in a complimentary world, where every men compliments women, where night compliments day time, where black compliments white. A world like this one is a better world to live.

Not a world wherein you get amazed just because we beat you in poker.


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