Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I need Patrik Antonius to kiss me

I seriously have a crush on Patrik Antonius! He is so hot and best of all, he loves playing Poker In case you do not know, Patrik- spelled without a C- is considered to be one of the greatest Poker players in the world. In fact, he easily got a replacement team after his contract in this European Poker team expired.

Team Full Tilt right away offered their welcoming hands to this hot boy because they know that their company will benefit by having Patrik play for them. I got to know Patrik when i was writing an article about him. He made the headlines last week since he is the latest addition to the Full Tilt team. I decided to check who he was, and then i got hooked. He is good looking and so talented as well! Aside from being a pro Poker player, he is also a tennis player. Imagine that? I bet he is a model too! With those eyes, height, and bone structure, modeling agencies will be dumb not to get him! I read from his website that since he could not play tennis anymore because of his serious back problems- awwww- he decided that he would just focus on playing Poker. After all, his passion, he says, in playing tennis and in playing Poker are just equal.

While my Poker training seems to be by books and by mentors, his was just plainly with friends. I wonder who would win if time would come that we would battle. Hmmm do not underestimate my Poker skills, i know i can be as good as anyone provided that i am just in the right mood, if you know what i am talking about. I hope that day comes, laugh out loud! Even if it comes, i think i will just lose since i know i will be conscious around him. Hahahaha.

I wonder if he has a girl friend or whatever, his lover or ex lovers are really lucky. Too bad, his website is just all about Poker and not really his personal life.- Duh, who would blog or write about their personal live? Patrik is not Paris Hilton or Lohan you know. Laugh out loud!

I hope he gets to read this by chance. Hahahaha. Oh well, i am just really trying to get over someone. Good thing, he does not know about this blog, or else i will be embarassed and he might get jealous over Patrik because Patrik is way better than him! -not really. Awww.

Oh mi god! I just saw in his myspace page this one: Una relacion which means he is in a relationship. Too bad. Haha. As if. Yes, i can speak a little bit of spanish as well. Como estas?

Anyway, I do not like the fact this website is so advertorial, i mean all he talks about there is Poker, can't he talk about something else like his experiences in other things. Oh my, this just in. Turns out that Patrik is already a father! Okay, that screwed everything. I gotta end this post.


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