Saturday, June 7, 2008

My Story: Cheating Exposed

Let me continue my Poker story or rather my Poker history. I think I have mentioned that I have since been playing live and Online Poker and that I have sent my siblings to school and bought my dream houses with the money I have earned just working the tables and platforms. So what story do I share now?

Well, let me tell you that I hate cheaters. Let me tell you this story. It was Poker night so we met at this bar where we normally played. When I arrive at the bar, they told me that there was a change of venue and that we were going to play at someone else’s house instead. I didn’t know the owner of the house but decided to go with the flow instead. My friends said that they had played with him so I guess there’s really nothing to worry about.

I was not getting good cards while playing so I folded a lot and observed others and see how they were playing. There was not a set dealer we all took turns dealing. After about three or four rounds, I noticed that this single person won every time the other person dealt. I started to keep an eye on this person even though at the cost of losing. I just do not like being cheated.

I did not have very goodcards agin the next time around so I just folded and watched the dealer. I was actually in the blind of watching him since I did not know the first thing about looking for mechanics at a table. During that time I had only been playing Poker for only about three months. The same guy won again so I took a break and went to a different table to play for a bit. I won my money back there and a chair came open at the table I was at beforee so I went back. I was thinking that maybe there is no cheating after all, maybe it was just my ego saying that because I was already losing.

After four more turns around the table, I was already winning a good bit so I thought for sure it was my ego getting in the way of a good Poker game. Well it was rather the same deal and my friend for about twenty years now and we were in a hand with the same guy that seemed to be winning when the other guy deals. Now my friend is already a great Poker player- like me, ahem- and he does not stay in a hand too often if he thinks there is even a remote chance of him losing. I folded pre flop and my friend raised. So I was like I better get out of this hand. Well anyway my friend went all in after the flop and when they turned them up my friend had 4 of a kind of 9’s and the other guy had a pair of tens in the pocket and the 9’s on the board. Well if you play Poker and you have 4 of kind it is not likely you will lose to a higher 4 of a kind. Well the impossible happened, the next two cards were 10’s. Because of that I said to my friend that I think it’s time to go but my friend wanted to stay and play some more so we stayed and played for about three hours more…..

(Cheating exposed, next post)


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