Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Are you smart or are you dumb? Only smart poker players know how to protect themselves from unwanted intrusions.

I am so bored. I feel like playing strip Poker but no one is up for it as of this moment. Anyway, i always wonder if the strip Poker sites online are legitimate or if it does not have any virus or any malwares when you try to download. I did not want to risk my security since i am totally a neat freak when it comes to online security and money.

What if they stole my credit card numbers? What if the virus or whatever it is that is bad in the software can make my computer crash and give up on me? It happened to me once, i cannot see why it cannot happen again.

I know that almost all Online Poker players realize that the internet is a huge platform for anyone to commit cyber crimes. Not only does these Online Poker players have to take real risks in playing but also the risk associated in downloading any software related to Poker, Poker Rooms and the likes.

For obvious reasons, cyber criminals target the Online Poker community.

"The back door, which is a method for securing illegal remote access to a computer, was created by silently dropping four executable files into the user's computer and using a rootkit driver to conceal the operation. With this in place, the tool's author could access login information from the user's computer for various online poker Web sites including Partypoker, Empirepoker, Eurobetpoker and Pokernow. Having gained access, the hacker could then play poker against himself, losing on purpose and reaping the rewards, F-Secure warned"

If anything, this statement is really scary and will make you think twice if you still want to continue playing Poker online or just stop it and go back to the traditional casinos where there are minimal risks when it comes to security.

"Following the exponential rise of interest in Online Poker, it is inevitable that malware authors would follow suit with programs to separate players from their money. What is significant is the fact that this particular scam was hosted, albeit unwittingly on a legitimate site and used rootkit technology to cloak itself. Without our unique Blacklight technology to detect it, many online gamblers could have become victims of this exploit," Kimmo Kasslin, a researcher at F-Secure's data security laboratory, said in a news release.

Vigilance is really important so Online Poker players can take the necessary precautions to avoid unwanted intrusions or hacking in their system. I suggest Online Poker players like me invest in an antivirus that can really protect my computer. I had installed 4 anti virus in my computer and so far those four are doing a good job, just make sure that your system can handle four anti virus before you install. You can also read and find reliable websites that offer Poker Reviews about playing Online Poker and online security. You need to secure your computer as early as now or be sorry later. It is up to you, you are given the choice and the warning...


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