Saturday, June 7, 2008

My Story: Cheating Exposed (Cont.)

Sorry I had to end my story the other time, I had to go to this meeting. Anyway, let me continue.

So there we were playing still and the two guys who kept winning got up and it was just six of us now. All of us were short stacked except for the other two. I was wondering if they were simply out tonight and everyone around them was on a bad beat or if they were just cheating. That was the question I badly wanted to be answered. I was thinking that they would come back so my friend and I went out for a smoke- I wanted to know if he was thinking what I was thinking.

Just before we went outside, my friend said that the two guys were cheating- I thought so. The guy we came with is good friends with the guy having the game and also happened to be one of the guys who were cheating. I thought about saying something to him but did not since we were not holding to any proof- just the fact that we were losing all our money and i was sure they would have just said we were just mad since we were losing our money.

We went back and tried to come out of something that would prove they were cheating. It was my deal and I stayed in and won that one. The next deal was one of the guys we thought was cheating. So it came around to him and he dealt. I got Ace 2 suited so I called. The guy who kept winning called and so did about three others. The flop came and it was 3,4,6 all I needed was a 5 for a straight so I bet big to get the others to fold and they did well- all but you know who.

The next card was big so I bet big again and he called. So now I was thinking what the heck does this guy have to be calling me. Well, the river comes and it’s a 5 so I go all in and he calls me so I turn mine up with a straight and the dealer starts pushing the chips to the other guy I said I win! He did not show his hand and the dealer said without thinking “he has a 7 for a higher straight” I said, how did you know that without seeing his hand?” So the other guy turned his hand and he had a 7. So the whole time he was calling me with nothing until 4th street. The dealer said he showed them, that was he knew what he had. Everyone else at the table said he never showed them.

No matter. The point I am trying to arrive at is that they were cheating no matter how they put it. We eventually got our money back and never went there again. So when you are at a person’s house you do not really know, always keep an eye out and OBSERVE- this is one of the fundamental of playing live or Online Poker. I am not saying everyone is a cheater, but everyone has tendencies to do that expecially if you are not familiar with their territories. No matter how many Poker Reviews you read but do not observe, it will all be put to nothing no matter the kind of place or Poker Room you are playing. Understood? Gotta run.


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